Corporate Sales

Corporate Sales

Every business is unique. We appreciate this fact and this is reflected in how we handle our business relationship with you as our client. We offer a variety of industry solutions to fit your specific needs, taking into cognizance your resources and budgetary caps.


Limited education budget can substantially reduce your purchasing powers and wither your options. With our industry connections, we can get the right vendor that would suit your level of resources. We offer education pricing.


We have experts that would design systems that would fit any kind of studio, be it Graphics, Arts, Film or Gaming Studio.

IT Consultants

We will ease many aspects of your work so you can be free to focus more time and resources on your IT management work. We will be your internal sales representative and cater for your needs in both soft and hardware systems, in licensing and warranty, and repairs. We can also blind ship to your customers without revealing our company details to them.


We offer professional supports to every industry including, but not limited to, law, engineering, accounting and software.

Corporate IT Departments

We understand the need for agility while working in the IT setting, so we offer you a hand of partnership in order to help lessen your stress. We will undertake to proffer solutions to your problems and help in the procurement of needful products.

Small Businesses

The Canadian market is dominated by small businesses. We have years of experience working for and with small businesses and would effectively serve you, providing affordable and reliable solutions to your business concerns.

Contact us for Corporate & Reseller sales inquiries

For workstations, servers, storage, licensing and reseller inquiries, please contact our Corporate Team.